I had a tough day today. It was one of those days where it felt like every. little. thing. is going wrong.
I didn’t sleep well, I overslept, I didn’t get to eat breakfast, I was rushing and dropped my phone as I left my apt and the screen shattered, I missed the bus, the next bus was slow and got caught in traffic, I was late to class and had to wait what feels like forever to get coffee into my system…
I also was feeling particularly overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do in the next 10 days, since I’ll be going away this weekend and wont have the opportunity to do catch up…so all in all, it was just one of those days.
I have to admit, though it’s embarrassing, I was sad today. It is embarrassing because I have this visceral negative response to being sad, I don’t like it. I much prefer to be happy and laugh and I even prefer to be angry. Sad, is just, well, a sad place to be.
I’m not completely sure why I was sad but I bet it has something to do with feeling overwhelmed, not being quite in the place I want to be at this point (you know like having a sweet job, sweet boyfriend, sweet everything) and that I just feel like I’ve had a couple tough years, and I want to catch a break.
Oh, and my birthday is tomorrow. Maaaybe that has something to do with it.
So, I’m now another year older, and hopefully wiser… I’m hoping that what is in store for me is not more of what felt like was a negative culmination of the year today (like broken things and a lot of stress); but instead a time of great growth, happiness, love, prosperity, health for myself and those around me and a much needed break. A break from loss, a break from disappointment, a break from the realities of being an adult while becoming more of an adult…
What do you think?
Yah, I know. Frankly, I’ll take those things as long as the other positive things come with it.
I’m more ready than ever for great things to happen, and while it’s scary and sad that school is coming to an end, I have to find a job, I have a lot of gray hair and no man to speak of…I actually think things will start to shift.
So I’m putting out the intention (not to get all The Secret on you) that this year will be a fantastic year for me; with a lot of new beginnings, great learnings, continued health of myself, health and happiness for those in my life and for some of the big pieces of my life to finally fall into place.
There...it’s done! I'm saying bye to my past year...and hello to my next! :)
Until next time,
The New and Improved E
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