I'm a twenty-something living in a town near you (or far away, doesn't matter).
I'm driven. I recently finished graduate school and practice psychotherapy with kids, teens and young adults. I hope someday to have my own clinic focusing on holistic health care (both mind & body).
I'm intelligent and educated. I'm a quick thinker. I'm a problem solver.
I'm a terrible speller and don't retain historical facts/dates/names very well. I never forget a face.
I'm a daughter, a friend, a half-sister, a cousin, a do-er, a self-starter, a complainer, an optimist, an environmentalist at heart, a Cashew (there's a post about it, take a look), rumor is I'm a resilient woman...
...and right now I'm single.
I know, it doesn't really make sense to me either.
The Blog:
I have been writing this blog since the beginning of 2011 and it started as part of my "self care" while I was finishing graduate school. The purpose was really for cathartic self-therapy.
Since then I've written some posts people have let me know that they enjoyed and some that after I posted them I wished I hadn't wasted the cloud space.
I tend to talk about random things that are going on for me, anything from the trials and tribulations of yoga, some personal stories about my story, and a lot (maybe too much) about dating.
Be warned, these posts are written in stream of consciousness, there is very little editing, very little spelling/grammar checking and frankly, I just don't give a damn. If you're picky about that sort of thing, read on at your own risk.
My request of you:
Even if it's anonymous. Let me know your thoughts/feelings.
When you like it, or when you don't.
This is meant to be an internal monologue that is exposed and mulled over and aerated (like a nice sip of red).
I hope you enjoy the ramblings and musings that seem to fall out of the sky and onto the page.
Until next time,
email me at: InternalMonologueSays (at) gmail (dot) com
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