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Saturday, July 9, 2011

what will I think up next?

So it has been a while. I'm settling into my job, settling g into being back in my hometown and it feels like I have so much and not much to write about.

I'm feeling a biy paralyzed by having so many things to write about that I wanted to throw out the topics to hold my self more accountable for at least writing about some of them.

Things that have popped up are my thoughts on:

Sitting at a bar alone
Online dating
Mountain top removal and other environmental issues
Throwing parties
Serious mental illness
Having a dog who is getting old
How I am failing my running self challenge since I've moved

Just to name a few. How I feel about some of these things mat surprise you, or not. Obviously some are sexier topics than others, but I hope to get to some of these in the next week or so...

It's hard to sit down and write an entry when its 90 out and we have a pool. Mind you I'm writing this on my Droid as I'm in the sun (after rushing my dog to the vet for a messed up dew claw...). Shorter posts are easier on the phone but as you know, I'm a fan of rambling.

Well more to come soon...didn't want you to think I forgot about my avid readers or that I lost my desire to hear ( read) myself talk (write).

If you have a vote for what's to come, or something you wa t to know what my opinion on the topic is...feel free to comment!

Until next time,
Sunkissed E
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

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