So without getting into details to avoid rehashing a crappy situation I'll just say that the guy I was "seeing" (or whatever you call it these days), apparently isn't interested in it anymore.
It's pretty crappy that a guy and girl can really hit it off, have chemistry, things in common, laugh a lot, have fun together...things go well for a while and then poof. He's managed to just trail off with communication, started to flake on dates and then now, I think it's clear there is nothing.
So when this happens what do you (I) do?
You question what you did, if anything, to make this change. You question why he doesn't like you or doesn't feel connected anymore, you question what's wrong with you, what's wrong with him. You wonder if maybe he met someone else, or if there is something wrong in his life that he's just not in a place to communicate. You make excuses for him, then you get angry at the situation, you decide it's not worth it, but then you check your phone again just to see if maybe he texted.
I feel pretty confident that the last few weeks of an exciting beginning culminated in a guy just not following through. Of course it's not like I was convinced this was "the guy" yet, but I knew I wanted to see him again, and I wanted to get to know him more. I had some hope that it could be something. So yah, I'm disappointed. I'm confused. I can't help but wonder what happened.
It is hard not to feel hopeless about finding someone, sitting with feeling rejected, or thinking that it reflects badly on me... but these things happen. Not everyone is going to be a good match, even when they seem like they might be.
Even when something looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
...sometimes it's actually a goose.
...sometimes it's actually a goose.
So, I'm getting right back on the horse as they say. Not wasting any time on something that isn't going anywhere...I don't want to miss something else that might present itself in the mean time.
Who knows what will happen.
Part of me wants to say maybe he'll come around, but even being hopeful for that makes me feel like crap. I don't want to be with someone (again) who will turn that quickly and decide that I'm not worth the time or decency to follow through or at the very least a give a simple explanation.
So, I take it back. Now I'm looking for bigger (taller, at the very least) and better.
Until next time,
I'm curious if you are more upset about the fact that a seemingly promising relationship didn't work out, or how it ended with you being in limbo. I ask because just this past weekend I dumped someone after a handful of dates including spending a fun day together the entire previous day. She didn't see it coming at all, but I was direct with her that it just wasn't working for me. I sometimes feel really cold being direct like that and am still not sure if that is the most humane way to do things....
I'd say it's a bit of both. Primarily I'm disappointed because it was something that seemed promising. On the other hand, the ambiguous ending of things is a bit like a broken record for me and I prefer direct communication about these things...instead of people vanishing out of my life.