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Saturday, March 12, 2011

appreciating life and the human condition

So, I'm in a fantastic mood today,
                    it is a beautiful almost spring day,
               I went for a long run this morning,
          I got some errands done,
     I danced around my room while cleaning listening to blaring music (don't judge),
and I'll be heading out in a few hours to hang with some of my great friends and have a drink or several...

...but I have been thinking about how intense things have been in the world lately.  Maybe technically it is not more than usual, but it has felt a bit unsettling.

I mean really.  Doesn't it feel like a lot is going on?

Between the health care BS, the WI union BS, NPR getting "in trouble" and the crazies who are starting to  surface to run for president;  I started thinking what other country should I move to?  Although there is a lot going on elsewhere too.

Just in the last couple of months, so many people have been fighting and suffering.  All the unrest in the northern African countries as they overthrow their generation old regimes, the tornado/flooding that had been going on in Australia/New Zealand, and the most recent tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan at the end of this week.  Clearly there are even more things going on here and abroad that are worrying.

With the natural disasters of the last few years, some people must be fearful of the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.

I don't actually think this is the apocalypse, but the times we're living in feel pretty heavy these days.  I mean especially how sad the situation is in Japan, it can be overwhelming.  I think that it is important that we stand for causes, that we be educated about the world and that we can help others...however, the weight of the world is a bit too heavy sometimes.

Ultimately I still have to live my life, continue with my responsibilities and get through my own day.

So I had to shift my perspective in order to not ruin my mood or to paralyze me by getting stuck in the feeling of being overwhelmed by the wrongs in the world.  While I was out for my run, I focused on my happiness and appreciation for my life, that the sun that was out, for the ability in my body to run and the safety of my community.

We've all heard "live in the moment", especially from people who have experienced major loss or scary life changes.  To build on this I'd argue we need to do more balancing of our energy/focus of being concerned about the tough things with appreciating the good things.  This balance provides us the mental/emotional capacity to take action for a cause when needed, compartmentalize when we need to function, grieve when it is needed and also to appreciate and see the abundance of moments when life. is. good.

I think we could all be better at remembering that our frustrations or disappointments are not the end of the world, and that we would benefit from appreciating life and the human condition more.

So I'll assume we have more time than the Mayans said we do, because I have lot more appreciating left to do.

Take some time and focus on the good in your life, today at the very least!

Until next time,

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