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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Run E, Run

I run.  I do.

I run to catch the bus, I run into my apartment building from the rain and I run for exercise. 

The problem with running is the whole running thing.

I mean, don’t get me wrong. Beautiful days like today, I’m excited to go for a run and I always feel good after…

But it appears that I need help with motivation.

I’ll be good for a month, where I’ll run a lot, and then I’ll plateau or get derailed and then loose my footing with exercise completely. I wish I could say “I’m a runner”.  I have a lot of friends who are like it is in their blood – they run marathons and can’t go a day without running or they feel out of whack…that isn’t quite the level I’m on, although I’d love to be that person.

I’ve tried other things.  I’m convinced the elliptical doesn’t do anything for my body no matter how hard I pedal, how fast I pedal or how high the incline is.  I’ve tried swimming (I love swimming) but it’s a huge pain, and the whole wet hair things doesn’t work half the year when it is sub zero.  I’ve tried some classes and really, I lose interest in them even quicker than running.  I like biking, but with the weather it’s less practical sometimes, and also due to the distance you need to go to make it a worthwhile exercise it feels like a big undertaking for daily usage.  Exhibit A of excuse after excuse to not exercise, right?

So you guessed it, I’m left with running.  Like I said, I like running. I notice changes in my body including increased strength, feeling healthy, weight loss, etc.  All of the desirable affects from exercise that one looks for.  But then I lose focus, I lose interest, I get bored and I get lazy.

So what I need are some tips.  Tips to stay motivated, tips to push myself, tips to overcome the boredom that comes with running…etc.

What do you do to keep yourself going?  What has been the most helpful for you?

Okay, I’m off to change and head out for a run in the sun, which I have been doing more this week…we’ll see how long this good habit lasts this time around.

Until next time,

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