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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Jewyear!

Sundown tonight marks the begining of Rosh Hashannah, which is the beginning of a two-day new year celebration. Next week is my favorite holiday, Yom Kippur (the one we fast all day and cleanse of our wrong doings of the last year) which concludes the new year welcome party.

Yep, just over a week long transition into the new year (we don't do holidays and celebrations quickly...8 nights of Channukah for instance, or try and leave a Jewish family dinner without saying bye at least 2 times to everyone).

I've talked about how resolutions are essentially a bunch of bunk once old habits set in, but either way I've been working pretty hard on myself since the beginning of Jan 2011.  Now while I've been doing all the right things like therapy, running, yoga, putting myself out there dating-wise while being respectable (ie, not sleeping around, etc etc I'm still feeling like my "big break" hasn't come yet.

Unfortunately this week, and for the last probably 6-8 weeks I've been feeling particularly disapointed and frustrated about where my life is in terms of living, working and relationships

I thought of myself as very lucky for a long time, so I'm hoping that this is all just prepping me for a slew of luck that is headed my way (my horoscope today says my luck is changing...I sure hope so!).

Things aren't ALL bad.  Obviously I'm thankful for my health, my amazing and supportive family and my truly wonderful friends.   So there is a lot to celebrate, despite my sullen mood.  I'll be seeing family this weekend to celebrate the new year, and hopefully seeing them will be the grounding I need and the reminder of all the things that I'm thankful for, despite having things I need and want to change.

Just wanted to quickly post and set my intention out there (Secret, anyone?)...that tonght is the beginning of a new year, a beginning of things that I'll be happy with and appreciate, and a beginning of opportunities that I couldn't anticipate in some darker days.

Dip your apples in honey folks, and let this be a sweet year. L'shana tova!

Until next time,

Friday, September 23, 2011

favorite things: homemade pizza

Today has been a fairly lazy day aside from going to the gym and helping my mom clean up/organize some of crap that fills the basement.

It's a bit rainy and gloomy, and since I didn't have to work today it kind of just added to the laziness factor.

Comfort food is something that I generally am up for, but since I've been healthier (ermmm I guess the last week or so?) I didn't decide to do my standard mac 'n cheese from a box, or order chinese, or order greasy delicious pizza, or whatever typically gives me comfort via my mouth (save your dirty comments, please).

So, I proposed to my lovely co-chef of the day (mom), that we make homemade pizzas for a late lunch/early dinner...comfort food but a bit healthier and top it off with a big glass of red...

This was sure to motivate us (bah!) to descend into the netherworld (basement) and clear out some clutter, organize my apartment stuff and prep for moving it at a later date (much later, from the looks of everything)...

Disclaimer:  This is not a food blog, nor will it ever likely turn into one.  I have friends who do a good job of this and I am not a foodie, though I wish I was.  Nor am I'an expert chef or even claiming that I know what is good to make...but I felt inspired to share this lovely fall meal....but keep an eye out for more of my "favorite things" that I find at Whole Foods and Trader Joes...I have a feeling there is more where this came from....

The pizzas (2 small corn crusts by Vicolo from Whole Foods):

South of the Boarder, Stay Classy 
The Stay Classy:
salsa (instead of sauce, healthier, more zesty)
turkey meatballs cut up
low fat cheddar
chopped up asparagus
goat cheese

The South of the Boarder:
refried beans (under salsa as a spread)
pepper jack cheese
green peppers
black olives

Well you live and learn:
-One thing, when you put lots of toppings on, I suggest adding extra time to the cooking time to make the crusts more crunchy, yum.
-Putting the cheese under some of the toppings stops it from burning and stays nice and melty.
-Both tasted really good, the South of the Border won...I think next time, blending up whole tomatoes as a sauce would be better with the goat cheese.

Best part? Leftovers.  Nothing like cold pizza.

Until next yum,

the new facebook timelines - nostalgia at your fingertips

So in the last couple of days many, if not all, of us have noticed the newest tweaks for Facebook.

My Wednesday statuses (until I got burnt out from caring about FB):

-Facebook, you have officially confused me.

-Might be time to change to Google+.

-Facebook, just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!

-I apologize for all of the facebook-update-related postings, I can't help it...but then again, you probably won't be able to even find this post, or any of my others, anyway.


haha friends had posted this a
couple times, thought it was funn
Initially, as I had posted, I was a bit confused about where statuses were coming and going...however it didn't take long for my youth-like computer literacy to kick in and intuitively learn how the sidebar worked, how the two different feeds of recent and what Facebook deems as important were stacked, etc.

I can't say that I agree with how it's sorted in terms of importance, but Facebook learns what you like and don't like when you tell it...like a good boyfriend (or Xzibit, seen above).

A lot of people were upset, but there were a few that were more open and forward thinking and reminded us fellow posters that Facebook always changes, we bitch and then we settle in.  I think I'm already used to the new Facebook home page.

Now what I think the biggest change is, will be our profiles.  Timelines, is what Facebook is calling them...where you can click to say, 2007 on the right hand side and it's like a "where are they now" but in retrospect.

**I looked up how to update your profile before the launch of the new Timelines on September 30th the new Timelines, and found that one was here, or through FB at the bottom, here.**

Example from MSNBC or check out https://www.facebook.com/about/timeline
I hate to say it but, it feels a little like MySpace (eek) mixed with scrapbooking.  It has a Mac feel vs. PC feel, like designing your "webspace" within Facebook, versus a straight stream of activity.

The positives being that it's more of a collage of what you and others post on your wall, and pictures are displayed more attractively.   You have the opportunity to add things in the past, take out things in the past, create a "backdrop", which they call a cover - mine is of the city skyline that I took from my old apartment window...memories.  Also things like "I bought a house" (or a car), or lost a loved one, are now options for updates and placeholders in time (even ones that occured in the past.  Now things are less "set in stone" as they once were, you can add things in, take things out, pick who see's what, and what never sees the light of day again...(except the fact that it was online at some point and doesn't actually ever go away.

 I think what might be challenging about it is seeing (and others seeing) where you were 3 years ago (was it the same place? different? what was I wearing?), or even 6 years ago.  Yikes.

It was interesting to scroll through and see that Facebook was able to recognize big events like "E graduated from such and such a program".

I think ultimately people will be going back and entering in scanned pictures of their family vacations into their timeline and utilizing it as the the main scrapbook of their lives.

My only concern is that then Facebook owns this content.  Then it isn't a private thing when you hold your kids on your lap (I imagine, since I don't have any yet), and flip through big books that smell aged and like the attic where they sat for ages, the pages kind of sticking together after not having been opened since a few years after the pictures were taken...and the excitement building as you turn the page.  Ahh, when life was simple.

But on the flip side, the future generations will likely have iPads on the backs of their hands, and accessing their history, their parents history and their family scrapbooks will just be one of the many things that has changed in the face of technology.

Get ready to get a bit emotional as you scroll back when you see friends you haven't spoken to in a while, relationships that have started and ended, periods of time where you posted a lot, didn't post, pictures you wish no one had taken, pictures you forgot you had taken, and nostalgia all at your fingertips like it's not been seen before.

Until it changes again, as it always does,

Ps. also check these blogs out on the subject:
Helpful (sidenote: I think you can also go into "Events" from the home page, and select "Past Events" on the bottom, then go through to the ones that are public, or that you earmarked as wanting to be private, and change your past response from "attending/attended" to "maybe or no". I think it will come out of your Timeline but will be still in your past events...That's at least the trick for them to not show up on your "wall" previously!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

to flu shot or not to flu shot

This is the question.

This was something my friend posted on his FB wall today and some people responded.  Similar to politics, medical topics get pretty heated and people typically feel pretty strongly one way or the other.

Like with politics, environmental issues, issues dealing with the poor, war, etc, there is very little you can do to convince someone to change their mind.  Some people do change their minds with more information one way or the other, but typically people fall on one side of the other and very little can change that.

So what is the use of arguing about it?  An argument is a conversation in which you hope that you change the other person's mind because you feel you are right.  Well, if we KNOW that things like the above subjects can not be "changed" when they are part of a fundamental value of someone then it explains the heated debates, the broken relationships/friendships and the reason why it isn't PC to discuss at dinner...

As with everything there are sides to each argument, and valid points...and also there are BS points.

Let me preface this by saying I'm not an MD (do some research and consult your doctor before choosing to or not to), but as someone that doesn't jump at the chance for any shot and likes to be cautious about what I put in my body (aside from pizza and beer...okay I'm human), that I have done some looking into the flu shot specifically, as it was offered free through a previous employer and I got a lot of flack for not wanting to get one.

Flu shot is a smart choice for many people such as those people who are at risk of dying from the flu (people who are very young, elderly, their immune system is perhaps compromised), it is likely a good prophylactic approach for those who are constantly exposed to sick people (those in direct acute health care like the ER, for instance), or for those who want piece of mind because they always just seems to land the flu.  

Otherwise I'm not sure that it's the most important thing to concern ourselves with or even spend much time thinking about.

Yes, people die from the flu every year - which is why when Bird Flu epidemic hit it was interesting that the news touted it as something new/different...frankly the flu is something that is a threat to those who are vulnerable whether it is the Bird variety or not...and typically these are the people who I said might benefit from the flu shot.  Most of us get very bad colds over the fall winter (now I'm biting my tongue!) and think it's the flu when it might not be.  

There is no real treatment in western medicine for the flu, typically the hospitals and clinics tell you that if you think you have the flu, stay home and sleep for a few days...(unless you need fluids or something, or it is triggering a previously underlying medical condition).

So say you land the flu.  Is this the worst thing?  I mean yes, it's not comfortable, being sick sucks.  But, I mean maybe we need 3 days to sleep off our flu and crazy work lives.  I know we say we can't afford to miss work, but the flu isn't preventable 100% with the shot anyway.

They have improved the flu shots from what I understand over the last several years into hybrid flu shots (not the technical term, but this is how I understand it) where they combine a couple strains of the flu that they anticipate for that season.  This protects those who have the shot from those particular strains, but as we've seen over the years there are many strains that mutate and change every flu season. I know some of my friends who have gotten the shot and then gotten the flu (different strain)...

So what's the harm in getting one, you say?  Well I wouldn't go as far as to say "harm".  I don't know enough to comment on the effects on your body (although I'm sure there are some, since the intention is to have effects on your body), other than some say they feel like they get a cold after the shot sometimes.  What I do understand about viruses and things we get shots for is that if it isn't completely inoculated and the community isn't rid of it completely (like what was done with Polio, or the MMR vaccine that most Americans have gotten) it leaves room for stronger mutations to evolve.  It's like any other evolution, only the strongest and smartest survive.

Okay that was not meant to be alarmist, I don't think Super Flu will take over the world, BUT what I mean is because flu isn't just straight up "flu"...it is always changing - so I think that chasing on a massive scale it seems fruitless.

There are many ways to stay healthy during flu season if you decide to get the shot or not.  Vitamins, getting good sleep, exercise, washing your hands frequently when you are in public places or around others, eating healthy, seeking out other immune boosting things such as echinacea and goldenseal.

Whatever you chose to do or not do, I'd refrain from making others feel bad about their choices.  When someone feels badly about their decision it isn't motivation to get them to see your side of things (not to mention isn't a nice thing to do to others) if anything it makes them more defensive and more likely to hold fast to their original thoughts about the subject.  Not that anyone is on a mission to change your mind here, but no matter what I (or anyone says) you will ultimately do what you feel is right for you, and that is that...and that is okay.

The only people who tend to "change their minds" are those who aren't sure in the first place...they're on the fence.  To those people I'd say do some research (not just reading blogs and asking friends), and make your decision and move on.  

The key takeaway from this is - If you continue to make educated decisions, then you are just doing what makes the most sense for you as an individual. The challenge is that people aren't always making educated decisions.  I'm not saying I'm the most educated on this topic, by any means, but I'm offering you the opportunity to take a step back, and assess what the pros/cons are and then moving forward with what you feel is best for you (and not chastising those who chose differently).

I don't think asking the questions and doing some legwork is ever the wrong approach.

Wishing you a happy and healthy flu season...no matter what you chose.

Until next time,

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Back

I'm writing as I finish what is one of my first hot coffees in a long time, before I head to grab more coffee with an old friend who is in town and I haven't seen in a long time, then head to the gym for one of my first runs in a long time (started back up this week).

I'm the type of person that reluctantly drinks hot coffee when the season changes, but prefers iced coffee...even in the winter like when it's a balmy 45 degrees on a sunny white day.

But anyway, so it's a hot coffee kind of day today because today feels like Fall (and in 5 days it will be).

It's crisp cool air, sunny, not too windy, and is a marked change from even just yesterday, never mind summer weather from last week/last month.

Change is coming.

Sometimes with me, it takes a small thing to shift my perspective and clear my head.  I feel like the chill this morning is doing that.

The chill in the air makes it all feel clean, and new.  You know what I mean?

While I love summer, sometimes the sheer heat and humidity is nice but in a sense is stifling or oppressive in some ways, but this weather (mid 60s and sunny) feels like a relief and like a big exhale out. It's hard to explain.

some e cards make me happy
The relief I feel is kind of surprising since this is the first Fall that I haven't had a "plan" in the works.  All of growing up school was starting and it marked the beginning of a new "year", after college I was working full time for 3 years (so that was the plan), then 2 years of graduate school...and now...well...

I guess my plan is to find more work so that I'm not just a part-time therapist, part-time poor twenty-something, as a result a part-time socialite/part-time adult, etc.

Speaking of socialite.  The last week or so I've seen so many of my closest friends.  I've been in and out of the city more than I had in the last month and it's been so enjoyable to catch up and be in the mix of the hustle and bustle (though my bank account is yelling at me through emails warning me that I'm not really able to have this much fun).

Things that we've been catching up on are relationships (new, none, moving in-togethers, engagements, recent breakups...they run the gamut these days), work (new, not enough, too much, needing of a change, etc) and family life (the good, the bad and the ugly, births, deaths, divorce, parents dating...).

All of a sudden it's like wow, I'm an adult.  For real.  Like, no question.  The things that are going on in my life and my friends lives are always what's been going on, but on such a larger level.  Our concerns are maintaining our credit, maintaining our health and finding happiness with others and inside ourselves.  This isn't fun and games.

Although there are a lot of fun things that I'm not really willing to give up with my newly realized "adultness".  I want to work on being sillier, and more spontaneous.  I've learned that to survive circumstance, being serious and organized and planned out are the best routes of attack, but I'm feeling like I need an adventure, I need some excitement (positive/happy excitement vs. bad news upheaval).

One example is that I'm getting the travel bug really badly.  I haven't traveled really since going to Australia last spring...so it's been almost a year and a half.

This is just unacceptable.

For someone that was used to getting on a plane and going somewhere about 4 times a year, this is just painful.  I need some exploration.  The reason, that I haven't traveled, is clearly money.  I need to find some sugar daddy to take me places, or just a new job...whichever comes first but I need to do some traveling.

I actually do have some small trips coming up for weddings/bachelorettes and the like, and I have to head down to the Caribbean (I realize this sounds like a burden but it's kind of an emotionally charged trip, for various reasons) to do some paperwork on some property that has been sold from my family...so I will be on planes soon...which is great...but I want to do more.

I want to go to far off places and have rich experiences...for trips that I'm planning merely for exploration I'll have to wait a bit, which is teaching me some great patience.

Here I am saying I love the weather that is headed towards us for the next couple of months, and in the next breath I'm saying I want to get away.

So the lesson here is for me (and it keeps coming back to this) is to be content with what is and remember to be thankful for what I have going on now, despite it not being the picture I imagined.

It's time to get back to the simple pleasures in life, it's time to get back to appreciating what is going well...it's time to Fall Back.

It's about 6 weeks until Halloween (one of my favorite holidays) and 10 weeks until Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday)...but I'm going to start my thanks early for the change of season.

Just a few things I'm thankful/looking forward to this fall:

  • Apple picking 
  • Driving and seeing foliage 
  • Fall camping?
  • Taking a deep breath of crisp air and feeling invigorated
  • Yom Kippur (no lie, it's my favorite jewish holiday...something about the fasting helps to mark the new year and brings a lot of closure from the year before and hope for the next one)
  • Football, Sunday Funday's, are back
  • Hockey is around the corner
  • Bye bye humidity, hello good hair days
  • Halloween costume planning (thoughts?? last year I was a double rainbow)
  • Halloween - dressing up despite my age
  • Getting back into my running routine
  • Snuggling up with my down comforter 
  • Jeans
  • Getting away with skipping a couple days shaving my legs (ladies you know you're with me on this one)
  • Boots
  • Scarves
  • Sweaters
  • Not worrying about the fact that I don't have a tan
  • Thanksgiving with my wonderful family
  • I'm not worried that winter is coming, I have AWD and heated seats now :)

What are you looking forward to?

Until next time,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Taking back September 11th

Ten years ago, this morning, I walked into my senior year astronomy class like any other day. 

Like any other day this was going to be a class where we typically were learning and exploring the vast, and literal awesomeness, that is space. This typically made me feel like such a small piece of the universe, and appreciate the gravity and also futility of my part in it.

Well, on this day in 2001 particularly, in this class, I felt like the gravity and futility of like were incarnated on the small tv screen in the corner of the lab room.

Someone walked by as people were changing class periods and said "turn on the tv, a plane crashed into a tower in New York".

What followed, felt and looked like a movie we had seen staring Harrison Ford or Will Smith or the like. 

There was so much confusion. Those first couple of minitues of hearing about the accident, turned to further confusion as we watched the second plane hit.

Wait.  Was that another plane?  Is this live or is it a loop? No the other tower is already smouldering. What is going on?  How could two planes hit by accident?  Is this real? Did they evacuate the buildings?  Do I know anyone near there? Oh no. What is that thing falling?  What is that thud sound? Oh God. Are people jumping?

Horrific. Terrifying. Confusing. Disbelief. Numb. Did I mention confusing?

I'm pretty sure my 17 year old mind wasn't able to understand what was happening, no one really did. I knew it was bad, I knew people were upset.  I knew it didn't feel real.

The unfolding of the day brought about more questions, fear, sadness and disoreientaion. 

We all have our own stories of this. My experience was life changing in the context of history and how it affected those around me, and how it changed the course of life in the States as we know it. 

My own experience of it was mild. I didn't lose anyone I really knew. The people I worried about were okay (though some of them lost friends or family) and I wasn't there.

Context is everythings. Those who were not affected, were.

This morning I was driving to a class that I'm taking over some weekends and I drove in a quiet car. Mainly because I was paying attention to my GPS but also because I couldn't listen to all the 9/11 coverage.

I was emotional.

I was more emotional than I expected. Why am I crying? I thought.  I felt this sense of loss and grief that I'm sure was much of my own, but I understood that today, many many people would be feeling this. The communal exprience, or the context, I could feel.

I broke out into song. I sang the national anthem, in my car alone, tearing up. Otherwise in silence. I bet that if I wasn't so overtaken by emotion I wouldn't have been compelled to sing.

But it just happened.

Now I love many things about this country, and respect the people who serve it, and stand by my country despite disagreeing with many things (otherwise I would live elsewhere)...so I'm patriotic but not blindingly so.

I see many faults in our systems and how we move forward into the future about many things, but at the end of the day I'm here and I appreciate the life I'm able to have.

If I had to describe myself in 10 words, patriotic would not be one of them...but neither would anarchist or hatred (of anything, nevermind America).

But I would include loyal, loving, empathic, among other things. I'm loyal to this country despite not being born here.  Most of my family is here (though not all) and I don't agree 100% for the sake of agreeing with what past (and present) presidents prescribe for this country (and others). But I'm loyal.

And I get goosebumps every time I hear the national anthem.  It get me in the heart.

I was surprised by how moved I was this morning when I looked at the clock and knew that 10 years ago I sat with 30 of my fellow classmates and witnessed a turning point.

Now, as I write this on my phone, I'm laying in the grass on my lunch break on a beautiful day. It is sunny and breezy (my favorite) and warm enough that the cool grass is refreshing.  It's an all around beautiful day.

If it was another day on the calendar this day would make me feel thankful and appreciative of not only the weather but for my health, that I'm taking a class that really interests me and that I'm alive.

Because today is monumental based upon how we have constructed time and understand anniversaries and remembering our stories...I feel particularly greatful. 

I'm taking back September 11th. It is a day of remembering no matter how you slice it. 


But instead of being sad today, I'm going to be thankful. I'm going to be thankful for my life, those around me, those who helped the cause on that day and for the last 10 years, thankful that I'm here to help others with tragedies in their lives...

This is not to minimalize or negate others loss and suffering...instead I see it as honoring those who were lost and their grieving loved ones, by being present, appreciating what I'm living for and remind myself that there is no time but now, no way to be but be.

I want to acknowledge all the heroes, known and otherwise not "known", those who have suffered from this event, and from others. I send the world healing thoughts and love from the center of my heart, from a place that knows loss and grief well, and in rays extending from every point at the center of my heart I'm sending healing and comfort to all.

Love your fellow human being.  You never really know what someone is suffering with or experiencing or has experienced...compassion is our best tool.

I love you even if I don't know you.

Until next time,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

dream a little dream

I have a lot of dreams.

Yes, like hopes and dreams, but today I mean literally dreams while I’m sleeping.  

I’m not sure if the fact that they are so vivid and I remember a lot of them means I’m not sleeping well, or that there is a lot my subconscious/unconscious mind needs to work through.  I do often feel like I’m not rested, even when I’ve gotten a good amount of sleep, so maybe its both.

Last night/this morning (hard to know when they occurred or if they are in between hitting snooze) I had a handful of dreams that were linked in some way but that way I really can’t remember.  I’m not sure what the order was either as it’s hard to consciously work through the swirling nature that is my dream-state.  I’ll share some brief details about some of them.

The first dream, or the dream that feels most pertinent to today, was about my step dad.  (To get the back story about my dad and step dad situation read Daddy Issues – unfortunately no update about my step dad even to this day, still have not heard from him - don’t know his whereabouts…)

Today is his birthday, and if he’s alive he’s 53, and if he’s not then he visited me last night in my dream.  I don’t know where we were but it seemed dark, almost like in a basement or in a dark room somewhere and I was telling/crying to him that I miss him, and that I want him to be at my wedding while I hugged him.  His arms were thin and his belly was bloated, giving me the indication in the dream he was very sick (as I imagine in real life he still is very, very sick). 

To me one of the saddest pieces of losing a parent at this point in one’s life is that they won’t get to see you come to your full fruition.  They won’t see the success you are, they won’t see the person you turn out to be, or meet your children, or be at your wedding.  This is one of the hardest pills to swallow for me, aside from missing him dearly.

The second portion of the dream was taking place in the White House.  It was a White House wedding, and it was mine.  Very odd.  I was in a wedding dress I didn’t pick for myself, my bridesmaids dresses were pretty but definitely I didn’t pick them, I was walking through what felt like a mall with my dress on trying to find someone to do my hair because the messy bun from the day before wouldn’t do…Some guy didn’t hold the door open for me while I clearly was wearing a wedding gown, and I remember being like “mom, how could we not have gotten someone to do my hair?”.  

I have no idea who I was marrying. 

I didn’t question it in the dream; I didn’t even think about who “he” was.  I remember that I felt proud that I was having a White House wedding, but had no idea if I was part of the presidential family or if we had rented it out (wouldn’t that be kind of cool?).  

Then I can’t remember if this is before the step dad dream or after the wedding, but I had a dream about some of my friends from home, we were out at a bar I think playing pool.  I remember thinking, how can I get married right now, we’re all just hanging out.

So I don’t know what to make of this.

Maybe my worries about finding someone to settle down with have been kicked up lately (I’m sure they have).  

Maybe because it’s my step dad’s birthday it brings up how much I miss him and how sad it is for me that he likely will not be a part of my life moving forward.

Maybe it’s an indication I should get into politics (I’m sure they’d dig up this blog wouldn’t they), or at least move to DC.  

Who knows.

Clients come in all the time saying “I had this dream, what does it mean?”  I’m a psychotherapist and not in the business of interpreting dreams, really.

From my own dream experience and what I know about psychology, very often it seems that the dreams are their day to day fears incarnated, or the mind trying to work through a problem.  Sometimes they make no sense, and I’m sure sometimes (or a lot of the time), they don’t really mean anything.

There are people who interpret dreams, and I’m sure many of you have gotten or picked up a dream interpretation book with some curiosity at some point in your life, hoping to unlock the secrets of your mind. 

I’ll leave the interpretation to the experts, but like my clients, I wonder what the message is. 

It was nice to get a visit from my step dad and to give him a hug in my dream.  While the dream left me feeling sad, it’s all I have of him right now and it is better than nothing.  

As of the wedding portion/dream…maybe (haha yah, maybe…) my internal clock is getting impatient.  Tough shit internal clock…not much I can do about it at the moment.  Frankly, not much I want to do it at the moment.

I feel like the past couple weeks/months/years have been so many transitions and big changes that until some of the other big pieces start to click into place (where I’m living, my job, finances), I’m not even “ready” in some ways.  When the timing is right, it will happen. I’m throwing my hands up and focusing on the other big pieces for now.

What are some of the dreams you have?  Reoccurring dreams? I’ve had some of those…Thoughts on how you interpret dreams?

Until next dream,