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Friday, January 14, 2011

Horoscope, Schmoroscope.

I am an Aries.
I don’t really care what they come up with to say that I’m not…I’m sticking to it, until my horoscope app tells me differently, and ONLY if I can relate to what it spits at me every day under my new “sign”.  Until then I am an Aries.
You may have seen in the news, on Facebook, or in the stars, that there is a hubbub around the horoscopes “changing”.  There has been a finding of a 13th horoscope between November 29th and December 17 called Ophiuchus (serpent something or other).
What the deal is, might be or could be:
This Ophiuchus has been around for quite a while.  It’s not like stars are born every day. Okay I take that back, stars are born/die every day I’m sure, but in terms of what we see, it obviously has been in the making for a while.
The other thing is, a lot of astronomers are not in agreement with this finding.  So hold your panic for the time being.
There probably already was 13 horoscope signs, with one of them being removed somewhere along the lines, making only 12 “equally spaced” zodiac signs (like 12 months, perhaps?).  If you look at the actual dates for when these stars are aligned, they are actually not as equal as we think, and depend where in the world you are and how close/far to the equator you live (Check out the chart on Wiki below).  So in terms of your original original horoscope, we’ve already been wrong for a long time.
Jews actually have something similar to this phantom 13 slot.  There is a rotating 13th month which pops in and out seemingly randomly (but it’s not) and accounts for the time loss that the Christian (the one we use typically) calendar with leap years, etc.  Who knows if there is a connection, but I’m a big fan of 13’s.  (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/calendar.html)
The stars move, the world’s orientation moves, so the view of the sky is different.  Really the only accurate telling of “what sign you are” and how MUCH you are that sign is more of an “exact science”.  I haven’t gotten my chart done before, but what I’ve been told is it takes into account your exact location of birth, exact time of birth and the view of the sky at that point.  Only from there can you really know where your true “identity” is in terms of the stars.
So in terms of how I feel about it:
It doesn’t really matter what your sign is.  I know, for someone who is so classically “their sign” this is galaxy shattering.
The point of horoscopes when you read them in the newspaper, in the back of a magazine, or on your iPhone (ps, congrats Verizon users, wait until June when it’s with LTE)…is to help guide you to making good decisions, give you some “insight” around what might cosmically be going on for you that you can’t quite make sense of and piss off your boyfriend who could care less about what your day looks like “In Love”.
I’ll task you with this.  Have someone “read you your horoscope”.  Tell them to read you one that may or may not be yours.  See if you can figure out if it’s yours or not.   I bet that realistically it’s hard to really know without the label across the top.  We are able to make a lot of things fit our context, even our “real” horoscopes fail us sometimes, I’ve had a few that are so far from what I’m experiencing, that I could have sworn it was a Pisces or even a Virgo.  Alas, it’s just a nice tool to help cope and is fun.
With all that being said, I’m an Aries.  My personality aligns very accurately with the headstrong, leader who is a great starter of things and then gets bored and finds a new challenge…These things will not change if I find out I’m “really” a Capricorn, or even a Gemini.  Who I am will not change, how I identify will not change, and ultimately how I live my life will not change.
Does this shake things up? Sure.  Are there other things we assume that are probably untrue? Absolutely.  Let it just be a lesson to take things in context, don’t live and die by any printed word, because the reality is, someone created it, who knows who/what tampered with it before it got to you, and the only thing we should be living and dying by is ourselves.  Which like I said, fundamentally doesn’t change with any new discovery, or old wisdom uncovered, of the cosmos.
And with that, I’ll tell you, I’m an Aries and I’m sticking to it.  How very classically stubbornly Aries of me…
Until next time,
Some sites to further your anxiety or your knowledge around horoscopes and how much they matter:

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