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Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh, I'll get to that later.

Since I already tipped my hat to Valentine's Day I'll skip doing a post where I could quote Bublé's "I just haven't met you yet" OR to cover my bases if I do in fact know "him" already - Salt 'n Peppa's "Do you really want me baby? Let me know...".

Instead I'll talk about something that is much more relevant in my life right now.


I am a master at it.  I'm so good at it, I'm even productive when I'm procrastinating.  I will sometimes get things done that have no urgency (a blog post, perhaps) before I do things that need to get completed with a more definite timeline (such as homework, due this week).

On the flip side, depending upon what it is - it always depends* - I will only be able to do it when it's down the to wire.  Typically these are things like annoying assignments that are not interesting or studying for an exam.

I have great intentions to do things well before the point of cram sessions, or for instance, weeks past when my inspection sticker is no longer valid (was up in January - oops, this thaw might help me get her out of her snowbank, finally).  I am a list maker which helps me stay more on track than if I had no list, yet there are some things that never seem to make their way off the list like getting a new ink cartridge for my printer, or following up on a Honda recall (that's minor I think, but my poor car, I apparently neglect her).

I'm not sure why certain things get done and other's don't.  Sometimes the most stressful and challenging things I'll be inspired to get done first and rip it off like a band-aid (did you know that Band-Aid is the brand name, not the actual name of the adhesive bandage type?), and other times it's the easy, mindless things that I do a bunch of to feel accomplished.

There isn't really a rhyme or reason but in any event the spell of procrastination is at work.

I guess it comes down to that I'd much rather enjoy not doing something I have to, now, than dragging it out and working on it for ages and probably finishing it the same time I would if I did it under the wire.

Something better just always seems to come along.  My friend calls and coaxes me to grab a bite/drink, or see a movie or catch up about the goings on of the last week or so.  Something really good (i.e., Millionaire Matchmaker marathon, or Bear Grylls' Man vs. Wild <swoon>) comes on, and obviously my reading for class or writing for a case presentation suddenly can be done later.  You get the point.

The saying we've all heard is, "Procrastination is like masturbation; in the end you're just fucking yourself."  Well there is some truth to this, and I could go off on a tangent here...but for the sake of not knowing who my readers are exactly, I'll just ambiguously say sometimes it's better than the alternative...oh, and procrastinating too.


Well with that, I'm off to maybe do some homework, maybe watch some TV and maybe not do either of these things.

I'll leave you with this my top 10 reasons I procrastinate:
10. I'd rather do something else.
9. I'd rather do anything else.

The rest of the list? Oh, I'll get to that later.

Until next time,

*It depends: one of the most consistent answers to any clinical question asked of a professor/supervisor. Shout out to my fellow classmates who are procrastinating by reading this.

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