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Monday, March 7, 2011

10 things I've learned from The Bachelor

Last night I was having dinner with some long time friends, and a quasi-heated debate ensued about who Brad is going to pick in the final episode of The Bachelor.  I mean, obviously there are different points of view, but for the sake of this blog, I’ll be giving mine.

For those of you who don’t know the options:Chantal, 28, an executive assistant from Seattle, WA - Fun, very pretty, dark and exotic, her parents are uber wealthy and “attractive” if you like plastic.  Brad seems to want to bang her.

Emily, 24, a children's hospital event planner from Charlotte, NC - Sweet, southern, blond, has a 5 year old daughter (fiancé died in a plane crash about 6 years ago, then she found out she was pregnant), Brad seems to “love” her.

This is the classic light vs. dark, goodie two shoes vs. vixen, sweet vs. spicy.  So who is he going to pick?

Well, I’d like to think he picks Emily since it seems like he has “genuine” (I’ll get to this in a second), feelings about her, however a child is tough to buy into when you’ve known a woman for a few weeks or so…I'll put a steak in the ground and say he picks her because I'd be happy with it.

This brings me to what I’ve learned from watching The Bachelor:

1. I'm educated yet can get sucked into bad reality TV
2. True love is not likely to be found on a reality television show, unless of course it’s on Love Connection
3. True love is not something you acquire from group dates with some making out and crying sessions peppered in
4. Being in a tropical/romantic location can brain wash you to thinking you love someone you don’t know
5. The concept that this could culminate in a successful, loving union are minimal, however it is embarrassing how captivating it is week in and week out
6. Girls can be jealous, catty, bitchy and crazy (I’ll use the term loosely) and rightfully so when there are 20+ of them pitched against one another with the goal of “Love”
7. Rose ceremonies are anxiety provoking, which seems ridiculous when I write it down
8. It is a glorified version of the show NEXT (possibly a redeeming factor)
9. Straight guys should not watch The Bachelor, as they may not want to date woman afterwards for fear of how they get.  Women should not watch The Bachelor, as they may not want to be friends with other single women for fear of how they get, or they may be convinced they should go on The Bachelor
10.  Never go on The Bachelor, unless of course you have career enhancing ulterior motives

Well with that said, I look forward to the finale, so I can be done with the show for the time being. Go team Emily!

Until next time,
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