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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Ethics of Blogging

In my Ethics class we talk about things that span from the obvious questions "Can you have intimate relationships with your patients?" (FYI most definitely not) to less obvious "Should you attend a patient's play if you have help them overcome performance anxiety?" (it depends).

In class yesterday we discussed the ethics of things like being Facebook friends with patients (I'd say no) and what our obligation is as providers (psychotherapists) to keeping our own information private.

I have mixed feelings.  There is a reason that this blog is fairly anonymous and ambiguous about my identity because i'd like to be able to have the freedom to be myself, without worry that clients of mine would stumble upon my musings.  While some people who read this know me well, there are others who may not know me at all.  That is okay with me, I enjoy some anonymity in that sense.

On the other hand, I struggle with things like deciding not going to the local gym where I typically see clients, or changing cafes I frequent since one of my previous clients works at one that I used to go to.

Some things I'm willing to change in my day to day to avoid dual relationships, or to avoid clients knowing "too much about me", but on the other hand I'm not really willing at this point to live under a rock, delete my Facebook account and not blog.  I'm just not.  This may change as I get older, and wiser, but for now I'm keeping them both.

For the respect of myself, and my clients, I hope that I can keep this fairly anonymous so that it may be useful as it is intended (for myself, mainly).

We'll see how this goes.  Jury is still out.  Hopefully though, no jury will be needed.

Until next time,

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