You may or may not know it, but I get stopped on the street every day. Not like I'm working the corner, but people seemingly always picking me to ask for directions, donations, etc. Back in January I wrote this...I'll give you a couple minutes to re-read, or read it for the first time.
Welcome back.
This morning I got dressed and put on a t-shirt I got in Israel a couple years ago. You know the one, it says Coca Cola in Hebrew. Yah, we all got them. (I apologize for the quasi awkward/blurry boob shot, but I wanted those of you who didn't know what it looked like to feel included).
But still, I even consiously thought about the shirt. Even in my elevator on my way down to the first floor I was in my head thinking "I wonder if people will even notice it doesn't say Coca Cola in English?"
If you weren't paying attention, you could almost miss it.
Unless, of course you're Jewish and want a donation for your cause.
I'm walking to get my obligatory ice coffee around the corner from my apartment rocking out to my Passion Pit Pandora station, and ahead of me on the sidewalk is this cute kid, with a clipboard, who was no more than 20 years old waving his arms frantically. Of course at this point I'm not sure if he's looking at me, since I'm clearly wearing sunglasses which makes me near invisible, I clearly have head phones in, and I clearly need an ice coffee.
As I get closer...clearly he's waving at me.
RiverGuy: "At medaberet ‘ivrit?" (Translation: Do you speak Hebrew?)
E: (SHIT, I thought. The one person who would walk by me and know what my shirt is, called me out.) "...No, I don't".
RiverGuy: "Well, do you have a minute to talk about our rivers? What's your name?"
E: <Fumbling> "uhh I do, I'm E, but I need an ice coffee first." What? E, wow. I didn't have the capacity without coffee to go with A. This just shows how much I don't want to pack today that I'd make time to talk to this kid.
RiverGuy: "Great! I'll see you when you get out".
He called me out on not speaking Hebrew and wearing this shirt, told me it was why he "targeted me" and when I said that he conned me into being a member, he said smiling "My friends would say I Jewed you. Have you heard of that?". Coming from this kid I couldn't help but laugh...have I heard of that? I mean I wasn't born yesterday, RiverGuy. Good thing he was a cute little Jew or I'd have been almost offended.
I know I look young but this kid ended up totally hitting on me. Either that or he was hoping I'd give him more than $10 a month. I mean if I wasn't probably in the range of 6-10 years older than him, I might have been into it since he was clearly a good guy who cares about rivers, and Jewish so my grandparents would be happy.
Anyway, long story short I ended up becoming a member. Like I've said, I'm pro Earth. This organization is petitioning for the EPA to increase standards and reduce toxic/sewage dumping in our local rivers. So I figure that now that I'm employed (!!!!) I can make a small donation to help our water. Why not.
Mental note: people do pay attention to what is written across your chest, especially if they want something from you.
Until next time,
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