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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A week of palindromes

One of my genius cousins (they're all geniuses, if you ask me) posted in his status saying something to the effect of "how exciting, it's a week of palindromes!".  

1.10.11  1.11.11  1.12.11  1.13.11  1.14.11  
1.15.11  1.16.11  1.17.11  1.18.11  1.19.11

While I initially laughed at how nerdy I was for thinking that it was a cool observation, I actually thought it was interesting and worthy of making note here.

Obviously there are other times this happens in a year, such as December 3, 1921 (12.3.21 as one example) but as you can see they are somewhat limited and irregular due to the number of months, days of the month and years.  

What does this mean? Well nothing straightforward per se, but let's think about what a palindrome is:

Palindrome: (n) A word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted).

Units, eh?  If we extrapolate this to, say, human interaction, it's very much like "Do unto others" (bear with me).

This is a bit far fetched, I admit, but "Do on to others" is kind of like seeking out the ultimate palindrome with the pivotal central character/number/element/unit being the action, space and even love between ourselves and "others".

Okay, so you might think "Get back to school and internship already, your brain has turned to mush" (but when you squint, it's amazing what you can make yourself see).  Either way it seems like a great opportunity to make sure that what we're chosing to do for work, how to live our lives, how we treat people, etc - is exactly how we would like it to be relected back to us, ultimately. 

Let's assume that for the next 8 days from now, there is something energetically special in the air, as it won't happen again, at least not until November.

Is your work fulfilling? How are you living your life? How do you treat others? Think about it.

All you could ever want to know about palindromes. Thank you, Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome

Until next time, emit txen litnU

ps. My favorite palindrome is "kayak", what's yours?

1 comment:

  1. racecar. so here's another weird '11 thing my barber told me the other day: take the last 2 number of the year that you were born, and add them to the age you'll be this year. ehh, ehh???
