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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another blog?

Well as some of you know, I recently wrote about an adventure gone wrong (but right in a many ways).  It was really enjoyable to write and share it with my friends, family and whoever else happened upon it.  From the page views I got, I think it's fair to say that at least some people care what I have to say (even if it's more like a car accident, and you can't help from looking).  So this is a space for that in my day to day life, as I move through the next phase(s) of my life; it's a new year, I'm getting older** and wiser* AND I'm finishing my graduate program (May 2011)!

I hope to be able to use this as an outlet of my humor (I have some), creativity, problem solving, connecting to others and working through this "early adult life" that I'm very lucky to have.  Life is a beautiful progression with challenges that when looking back, make the progression more meaningful and even more beautiful.  Therefore, I'd expect all those things, and in between, may come up here.  I appreciate your openness to my thoughts and experiences and I hope to show ongoing respect for yours.

Who knows where this will, or won't, go, and if it will be interesting or relevant to you.  If you're up for it, you're welcome to come along on this journey of self.  If you're not interested that's okay - just hit "next blog" at the top of this page and happen upon a blog about arts and crafts, Jesus or someone's grandchildren.  I'm sure that will suit you better.

Until next time,

*Wisdom is subjective.  What I say may not be anyone else's truth, experience or opinion.
**Gray hairs are sadly not as subjective.

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